Sunday, September 14, 2008

BlackBerry Curve WiFi on Belkin router

A tip for anyone trying to get this combination to work: you must disable 802.11e QoS or the BlackBerry will be unable to authenticate.

This setting can be changed within the router's built-in web setup. Once connected, go to the Channel and SSID entry in the side menu (under the Wireless heading). On the page that comes up, it's the very last setting: 802.11e QoS.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this tip. I had trouble setting up my Curve to use the Belkin router. It started working AS SOON AS I followed the tip you posted.

Once again, thank you very much!

DamnU said...

I just bought a curve, it has not arrived yet, and I have a Belkin router. Which Belkin router was given this problem?

Matthew Jude Brown said...

I'm not at home right now, so I can't be absolutely sure, but judging by Belkin's support website, it's the Wireless Pre-N Router F5D8230-4. This may or may not apply to other Belkin routers.

Anonymous said...

I have a Belkin G Router, and was 10 minutes from returning it when (after my 3rd call to their Tech. Support line) I got a knowledgeable service rep.

After I set the network up, all my computers ran fine, but my Blackberry Curve (T-Mobile) would log on to the network and then not function - dead air when I made calls and the internet would sometimes work fine and then other times crawl so slow it would have been faster to just turn off Wi-Fi and use EDGE.

The tech. rep walked me through the following steps and my service is perfect now:

-Log onto http://

-Delete the saved profile in the Blackberry from the network that hasn't been functioning.

-On the left hand side, go to "Channel and SSID" under the "Wireless" heading.

-Set "WMM Mode" to OFF.

-Change "Wireless Channel" (mine was on 6 and I changed it to 9 - not sure if the number matters or not.)

-Make at least a small change to the network name where it says "SSID" (rename or add a number, etc.)

-Click "Apply Changes."

***If asked for a password, as at the time I hadn't made up one, I just clicked "submit."***

-On the Curve, under "Wi-Fi Options" scan for networks and find the new one. When asked to set-up WPS or whatever it says (I forget now) scroll to no.

-Enter in the PSK you originally used with the network.

You should be up. Hope that helps.

Xsouldeath said...

hey thank-you very much!

The Qos setting on belkin rouers is in the Channel and SSID item under
QoS Configuration

802.11e QoS >